
Getting back to my passion

Yesterday I got the chance to shoot and I haven't had that in a long time. For a while I've just been too bust or too uninspired to really sit and have the time to look for a model, pick a location, style and shoot, and it felt so amazing to be able to get back to my passion. Its been a long time since I've been able to do something for me and it felt great. If where being honest its been such a long time since I've remembered that I come first. A big Big BIG thanks to Kaya (@kayuchie on instagram) for modeling. I actually had a mix up with my original model and Kaya came last minute to shoot with me no questions asked because she's just that amazing! I love working with Kaya because for one she's such a sweet soul and she's not afraid to be weird or move different and play with her body when we shoot and she isn't shy either. She's also got an amazing eye for fashion so be sure to check out her instagram page. 

Many blessings, Zen

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